Widows of Opportunity's Grief and Loss Workshop's Testimony
Losing a loved one, a classmate/co-worker leaving, a break-up, moving away, a divorce, etc. can be very painful. You may experience all kinds of difficult emotions and it may feel like the pain and s...
Widows of Opportunity's Grief and Loss Workshop
Testimony from satisfied participant.
"Widows of Opportunity is a GREAT organization! Thank you for all that you do."
US Ambassador Nikki Haley
"Thank you so much for your time. You're easy to have a conversation with. You are better than a friend. The ones that said they would be by my side are nowhere to be found. I really appreciate you from the bottom of my heart."
A Widow
"Keep up the GREAT work! Widows of Opportunity is a GREAT organization!"
Michael Baisden
"An extraordinary woman that turned tragedy to OPPORTUNITY, literally! You are doing an awesome job with Widows of Opportunity!"
TV News Director of ABC Columbia
"Widows of Opportunity is a GREAT organization!"
Tom Joyner
"Thank you for helping me through the hardest years of my life. You will never know how many lives you saved with Widows of Opportunity!"
A Widow
"GREAT interview and GREAT organization!"
Jacque Reid
"Widows of Opportunity is a GREAT organization!"
Shark Tank